[terntek 104職缺]


– familiar with Android and iphone/ipad UI guidelines
– experience with web, mobile UI


本專案將開發能夠同時運行於 Android 及 iPhone兩平台之應用軟體。Ux設計師需負責定義設計需求,並考量兩平台互動經驗提供詳細設計,與程式開發團隊配合密切。預計十月中需完成詳細設計。歡迎熟悉 Android and iPhone 設計平台的設計師加入本專案團隊。

Requirements Definition
* help clarify design requirements from customer requirements.
> Used as input for Framework Design

Framework Design
* Interaction Design
>This is a deliverable to final customer to review design concept.

Detailed Design (需於10月中完成)
* Form and behavior specification
> Used by engineers to build client apps

Detailed Design Updates
* Review feedback from usability testing
> Used to improve detailed design and client implementation